Sunday, November 9, 2008

21st Century Slavery

Are you looking for a job? I have started my search, after being seriously ill for a small amount of time, and I have started adding my costs up to see how much money I will need to live well in Texas. I am not wanting to make the bare minimum that doesn’t allow for any outside activities, I don’t want to give up on being able to save some money, I used that up while I was sick anyways, and I want to make sure I can eliminate some of the debt that I have incurred over the last year. These are all things that I believe anyone would like to strive for, and I don’t think that this should be something hard to achieve, after all this is America, famous for allowing those with perseverance to achieve the impossible. With the current economic problems, I wanted to do some home work, look into how much I should be expecting to be paid, and most importantly, how much should I ask for? How much is minimum wage (that good ol’ limit that government has put in place so people like me can’t be taken advantage of by companies)? The answer, $6.55 as of 6/24/08, and it will go up again shortly by, I believe, $0.50 early next year.

Alright minimum wage is $6.55 an hour, and I am currently a full time student taking 15 hours at a community college. Between school and homework needed for all my classes, I can work around 20-30 hours a week. At the most being 30 hours, I would make roughly $700.00 per month, after taxes. Utilities run around $100.00 each month, rent is $300.00 each month (Only because my mom is my landlord, so it could be higher), and I will plan on $250.00 a month to feed myself. This would leave me with $50.00 to drive to school, pay my credit card bills, and you know what, maybe I’ll put one dollar in my savings account. Yes Sir, I am living high and mighty! Can you feel the bounty of America! Thank you my oh-so beautiful government for implementing such a high and reasonable minimum living wage that I can’t do anything with but live on it. Why am I sitting here working my ass off going to classes and work to pay for some jackass to sit in Washington, D.C. with his fancy blazer and high class life style, when I can’t get paid a livable wage?

The problem isn’t that they don’t know, THAT isn’t the problem, the problem is that they don’t CARE about me anymore, you Mr. Congressman, Mr. Senator, Mr. President! The lobbyists on Capitol Hill are treating you awfully nicely. I bet you don’t even need the check that is given to you by the millions of tax payers who actually could use that money. The lobbyists are probably asking you to keep minimum wage down, since they don’t want to be paying higher payroll for us to have an enjoyable life. They want to hoard their millions to themselves and keep us as close to the same level as the slaves were in the 1800’s. Sadly, I have to make this comparison. Slaves were treated in a manner that no person should ever have to endure, ever! But, they were kept just well enough so they could work and help their “owners” make fortunes, but they were never well enough to escape their situation in life. This is how many of the American people, working day and night, are being treated today. We aren’t making enough to live pleasantly or do something for ourselves, and we aren’t given the adequate health care to help us when we are sick and not able to work.

If minimum wage is truly a livable wage, why aren’t our state officials being paid minimum wage? If the people controlling our country are the people who can afford to let America decline in any manner without shame or repentance; then, America will fail. Countries cannot succeed when the rich and greedy take over, and the working and struggling can’t put food on their table. When a country decides that the rich and famous need more help than the mothers who are working two jobs just to feed their children, or the fathers who are wondering if they will be able to bring in enough to pay the mortgage bill, or the students who comply with societies standards of going to school to better themselves and their country, can’t afford to attend the schools that will help them raise their own productive families.

Our state officials are granted health care and a more then livable wage paid for by us, the working (tax paying) citizens of the United States, so why is it they can turn their backs on their employer and enslave us for their personal gain? This country was founded on the idea that power is to be maintained by the people, so that it works for the people. It is time we demand our government puts the power back in the hands of the people not the hands of the greedy and to start helping the working, and middle classes of America; and start helping the homeless and poor. Our state officials are supposed to work for us. We pay our taxes, which go to their living expenses, and if I didn’t do what was best for my employer’s interest, I’d have been fired. So it is time they stop treating us like slaves and start acting like employees and work to improve the things of our interest, LIFE!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

a few weeks old...

The many things wrong with the world ESPECIALLY America

I just finished watching a news clip on McCain, who suspended his campaign just now to act like he is taking care of the economic crisis that has struck America. After he had been called by Obama who proposed that they get together to make this announcement as a group effort and this would have shown that the two were more interested in taking care of this issue. He took this opportunity to show that he is not interested in working across the aisle as he has claimed as of late to make a show for the cameras. He could have said, “Yes, let’s not make this about the campaign. We are both Senators who want to improve America together.” Instead McCain tried to out shine Obama. Why can’t the people who are in this country work together? Everything is always a competition here. This campaign has been filled with lies. Not just from McCain, but McCain is showing a poor attitude in my opinion by being unwilling to even look like he can work together with any of the democrats. McCain’s good friend Donald Trump was also on CNN earlier today to talk about how McCain would be a better presidential candidate than Obama, but at the same time, discussed his hatred toward Bush. If you all haven’t been paying attention lately to the issues going on, McCain’s positions are a lot like Bush’s current policies. Donald Trump however made the asinine comment that people RESPECT McCain more so than Bush, but what does the respect level of someone have to do with how they are going to lead a country? The worst part is Trump used to support Hillary, so basically Trump is a moron who thinks he is voting for Prom King and not the next President of the United States of America. I hope the majority of American’s aren’t as stupid as this numb nut. He then has the nerves to brag about the new club he just bought for a couple million and continues to tell the world that we should be going out and buying houses. Does he not realize that this problem was created because people who couldn’t afford to buy houses were trying to buy houses? Besides that the average American is struggling to pay their bills, put food on the table (if they are lucky to have a table to put food on), and to get gas in their car. Trump is a moron, and he should be the last person to be giving political advice to anyone. I hope CNN never asks him to come on their channel again, but I now digress and will move on.
Besides the current political fiasco of today, the world is going to hell. China as I hope you are all now aware has 53,000+ babies who have gallstones because they decided that construction products were a good source of protein for their citizens. Unfortunately, China sells this shit to America, Malaysia, and other countries all over the world. This is the second year in a row Melamine has been found in food products coming out of China. Remember the dogs that died because of the contaminated dog food last year. Why are countries still doing business with a country that has such a blatant disregard for the safety of their own people? And while other countries are taking all items off their shelf that have been made in China, America is insisting to just do tests before acting any further. I thought our government was supposed to protect us? It has become apparent that the Bush administration doesn’t care for what it does to the hard working citizens that pay its salaries, but why aren’t people crying out in anger? Bill Clinton slept with someone outside his marriage and people were calling for his impeachment, and George Bush has illegally done illegal wire tapping, tried appointing his maid to a political position, allowed the economy to end up where it is now, has shown a blatant disregard to the safety and well being of us Americans, and no one is speaking out against this?
The education system of America is about as worse as I can imagine. Public schools are failing to meet requirements across the board. The government isn’t upset about this, parents aren’t appearing too upset about this, and teachers who are trying to improve the next generation are struggling to get proper supplies or even a decent wage. Of course the politicians in Washington don’t care though; they are making fortunes from our tax dollars while they are sending their kids to the best private schools possible. Why are we paying for people to live so well while they are working at making our lives so difficult? They are more concerned about banning same sex marriage than they are in making sure that the people who are working and struggling continue struggle. That isn’t completely their fault I suppose religion has blinded people from seeing what really matters. I thought we were the land of the FREE not the land of the oppressed. Why is our government trying to restrict the way we live our lives? Cigarettes are legal and they kill millions a year, while weed is ILLEGAL because it allows people to relax. It can be used medicinally, that shows it can’t be as bad a cigarettes. Have you seen anyone prescribe a case Marlboros to a patient? If this government is supposed to be looking out for the people and doing things for our best interest, I don’t want their help. We are more restricted here than many of the people in Canada and Europe. Why do Americans insist we are so much better? We don’t have public health care like many other countries have, we don’t have a government that wishes that we can take vacations, we don’t even have a government that allows our troops fighting for our so called freedom to have a beer. This country is better than this. Even the scary country of Iran doesn’t interfere with the lives of its citizens as much as the US. Why aren’t more people upset? More importantly, how did it get this way? This land of the free is the land of the incompetent now, and that is exactly what the people in Washington collecting our tax dollars wants. At least that is my assumption, or I would expect them to want to make going to college easier for its citizens. It would want to do what a government is supposed to do, which is take care of its people.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Vote Obama 2008

As the election is approaching, a fairly large amount of people are still undecided. I have made up my mind to support Barack Obama, and decided in October of last year. It was a fairly easy decision for me to make; since, I am against many of the policies that Bush implemented in his eight years of office. He has tried to lower the standards to protect our environment, this would allow corporations to give off more CO2 into our atmosphere, then he wanted to make it harder to place animals on the threatened or endangered species lists, and has he has shown a total lack of consideration for what people who have a hell of a lot more education than he could ever achieve without his daddy paying off the dean (Yes I am talking about scientists). Despite what they have told him regarding stem cell research, global warming, and the dangers in staying this dangerous and reckless course that he is determined to follow. Instead, he, as always, sided with a book of fiction that is over 2000 years old. Amazingly this book, the bible, advocates for slavery, discrimination, sexism, and many things that in today’s world have been outlawed, and it has no proof of being even remotely accurate. Yet this is his go to source for answers when a hard question comes to his attention. His belief in what the bible calls for has hindered America and her citizens in a way that could take years to fix.
When it came to the matter of stem cell research, he said that the jury was still out on that one. I understand that many people are against abortions and in turn stem cell research, but it must be understood that this research could potentially save millions of lives, cure handicapping diseases like Parkinson’s, the disease most famously effecting the young actor Michael J Fox, and helping the paralyzed walk again. Science is the keystone to civilization as we know it. Without it we would be living just as the Greeks, Romans, and Native Americans did centuries ago. To deny science and all its benefits is too hinder people from progressing to having a better life, could you imagine a life without the light bulb or the computer that you are reading this on?. Sadly, John McCain believes in the same philosophy as Bush. He is for stem cell research, but he against the use of obtaining stem cells from embryos, which is one of the best sources for these stem cells. He claims to be for alternative energies such as Solar, Wind, Bio-fuels, and Wave Energy. Why? He wants to go to Nuclear Energy. In the Navy, he was made aware of our submarines that run on nuclear power, but he was never inside these subs as a pilot he was in cockpits submerged under the ocean waves. Sadly, no one must have told him about the radioactive waste which we have no way of disposing of in a safe manner. The landfill site for nuclear waste in Nevada isn’t a solution it’s a mask to hide the problem, but this landfill isn't benefiting anyone in the world especially those living in Nevada. The government was acting as it always does, if it has a problem it throws money at it while dumping to issue onto someone else to make it go away. Of course Nevada can't deal with it in a more productive way than the government could have done, but if the government had just discussed this with the "evil" scientists (it is important that they learn to trust them at some point in time) and made a collaborative attempt to solve the issue.
Also, he claims to be ready for taking over the highest office in the world, but for a vice presidential candidate, he chose Palin, who GOP members have made comments about her being the hardest candidate to bring up to speed on world issues than any other in HISTORY. Is this man truly ready to be president of the United States? Or is he just seeking power to have, to accomplish an unknown agenda, or does he feel the people of the US owe it to him for his five year incarceration in the Hanoi Hilton (since that is a large part of his campaign speeches)? It is hard to say, but Barack Obama is a man of hope and dignity, who only wishes to assist the normal people of America, not the richest of America. He wants to make sure that America can keep its promises, and that it can provide for it young citizens in the very same way it provided for him, scholarship, lower tuition costs, and the promise that if you strive for success you can achieve it. In the past eight years has your life become easier? Have you been able to send your kids or maybe even yourself to college? Have you been able to pay your medical bills as well as provide for your family at the same time? If you answered “No” to just one of these questions a vote for McCain is completely against your interest as citizen of America. Sadly most of you will be answering to "No" to all three and had others going through your head.
Remember our Government is supposed to work for us not against us. It isn’t supposed to send our young brothers and sisters into a war for personal gain or to restore dignity to their families last name(which for Bush, I believe worked in the opposite direction). It should do everything it can to avoid wars, not wage them, it should look out for the interest of the majority and lower class, not their friends, their own, and those of the rich and famous. I don’t believe these things have been accomplished or for that matter attempted with this administration, and that is why I am voting Obama on Nov. 4th because I want my government to work for me and my family, not for the lobbyists and rich. When the wealthiest 5% of the world are in control of 99% of the wealth of the world, this is a sign for global change. Obama has lately been called a Socialist by John McCain, but socialism isn't all that evil. It has many advantages that Capitalism does not, but more importantly, Socialism doesn't allow for greed to cripple an entire country. Why does the idea of our government and our selves looking out for our neighbors and friends frighten people so much? Are we so absorbed in ourselves that we can no longer provide aid for those less fortunate then ourselves?

Can you help someone?

Can you imagine a world where people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds lived together helping one another no matter the cause? I can. I dream about this world every time I close my eyes. It is a world where people accept each other no matter their name, color, political stance, or dreams. It is world that people can find faith in the neighbor and family. This world is not unreachable. It is not an easy place to find. This world exists now. All it needs is a chance. What is needed for this world to come alive? It is going to take sacrifice, and it is going to take patience. The world is a living creature comprised of multiple organisms of all shapes and sizes, but it breathes as one. A hurricane in the United States impacts the function of a nation and way of life. The extinction of an animal in the arctic has devastating effects on an ecosystem that fuels a global system that feeds the world. We are not in the struggle for survival alone; we share the world and the natural resources it provides. It is time for a new stance on globalization and the way the world markets work. It is time to put the good of the world, the people, the animals, and the plants first. The time has come for the people of the world to stand together as one and fight the war on poverty, hunger, and global warming. As I said it will not be an easy task and people are going to have to forfeit luxury items such as their 5th house or the yacht they just bought. But, what are these items but material objects that distract us from the importance of life. Hiding in your mansion with your millions if not billions of dollars isn’t providing any good service to the world. It is time to lose the selfish motivation for our actions and replace it with the motivation of creating a world where our grandchildren can walk the world in peace without fear of hatred. It is time to create a world that Christians, Buddhists, Catholics, Shiites, and any other denomination can be proud to say I live on Earth and there is no other place I would rather be. It is time to say no to an extra dollar if it means that 100,000 people will lose their jobs and way of life, and where the children in Taiwan and China are not being abused so we can save on the manufacturing of Nikes. I am asking everyone to look around at the people around you and finally see we are in this fight together. We are all trying to better our lives in one fashion or another. We are all struggling to make it through this life, but we no longer need to brave this fight alone. We can stand together united, across the globe, and put an end to the inequality that plagues this world. Next time you see someone who needs help, help. It isn’t a hard concept to understand if you help one person they will not only be more willing to help someone else out, but they will be more capable of helping more. Governments can provide aide to struggling countries, people can provide aide to struggling people, all we need is the motivation to make this world a better place not only for ourselves, but for the generations to come. So I ask you one more time to lend a hand when you can. Even it may not seem like a lot, it will all come together and this world will be a better, safer, and more promising place to live.